Sharan Lail

Clinical Subject Matter Expert

Educational Background

I graduated from UofT’s Bachelor of Pharmacy program, which was followed by a Pharmacy Residency at SMH. To further broaden my clinical knowledge and skills, I completed a Doctor of Pharmacy degree through the University of Florida.

My past accomplishments

For more than 15 years, I have held clinical pharmacy positions at St. Michael’s Hospital (SMH), in both the ‘General Internal Medicine’ program and the ‘Infectious Diseases and Positive Care Clinic’. I also developed a pharmacy consultant role at Casey House that provides clinical pharmacy services to complex medical patients living with HIV. Currently, I am a Clinical Pharmacy Practitioner in HIV for the SMH Academic Family Health Teams. I have a life-long commitment to education, and have had the fortunate opportunity to precept numerous pharmacy students and residents, as well as lecture at the University of Toronto (UofT).

When I feel most inspired

Ingenuity in healthcare results in positive change with improved patient outcomes.

A few of my favourite things

Getting outside with my kids

Enjoying a quiet cup of afternoon tea