Shruthi Vaidyanathan
Research Data Scientist
Educational background
I received my Bachelors of Science double majoring in Mathematics and Statistical Sciences at the University of Toronto’s St. George campus. I am in the process of completing a part-time Masters in Biostatistics at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto.
My past accomplishments
My previous experience includes my Professional Experience Year (PEY) Co-op term at the Applied Health Research Centre (AHRC) at St. Michael’s Hospital. My duties at AHRC consisted of cleaning clinical trial data in preparation for analysis, learning about digital signal processing algorithms and applying them in R, and using the R Shiny package to build a web application to calculate sample sizes for various study designs.
When I feel most inspired
When I get to learn new skills! I love diving deep into a task that involves me learning something new! I’m always looking into learning new R packages.
A few of my favourite things
Finding different genres of music
Watching period dramas!