Educational background
I completed my BSc from University of Toronto, specializing in Microbiology. I completed my Master of Science (SM) in Global Health and Population from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
My past accomplishments
My past experience has been a mix of microbiology, social epidemiology and urban policy work. Broadly, my interests have been in understanding how health disparities are shaped by broader economic and social structures. For my Master’s thesis I worked with the municipal health secretariat in Fortaleza Brazil, to investigate the spatio-temporal dynamics and socio-economic correlates of homicide risk across neighborhoods. Prior to joining GEMINI, I was an Urban Fellow at the City of Toronto, where I worked first on climate resilience, and then in emergency planning when the pandemic hit.
A few of my favourite things
Cooking! I like to plan elaborate meals and cook with friends for dinner parties. When there is no pandemic.
Long bike rides surrounded by ~ nature ~